

  • Generates streamlined workflows and reports using CMS/HHS HEDIS/Stars/CORE measure algorithms.
  • Identifies care gaps proactively and highlights them for providers during patient interactions.
  • Enables providers to efficiently address care gaps.
  • Empowers organizations to define custom quality measures for preventive care, disease-specific care, outstanding vaccinations, medication adherence, and clinical care gaps.
  • Compares performance to population health management benchmarks.
  • Reduces administrative burdens and improves quality outcomes by tracking quality initiatives—from the point of service through claims submission—at the member, provider, and population levels.


  • Reduces administrative burdens and improves quality outcomes by tracking quality initiatives—from the point of service through claims submission—at the member, provider, and population levels.
  • Displays quality measures by eligible population, compliant/non-compliant members, and the number of members needed to reach the 4- and 5-Star Rating level.
  • Utilizes claims and encounters, pharmacy, lab, EHR, and supplemental data to ensure all efforts toward quality excellence are captured and reported.
  • Facilitates through workflows the complete capture of a member’s quality measures, improving the overall score, and assists in achieving high compliance rates.
  • Reduces administrative burdens and improves quality outcomes by tracking quality initiatives—from the point of service through claims submission—at the member, provider, and population levels.
  • Displays quality measures by eligible population, compliant/non-compliant members, and the number of members needed to reach the 4- and 5-Star Rating level.
  • Utilizes claims and encounters, pharmacy, lab, EHR, and supplemental data to ensure all efforts toward quality excellence are captured and reported.
  • Facilitates through workflows the complete capture of a member’s quality measures, improving the overall score, and assists in achieving high compliance rates.